Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or Not?

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Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or Not?

Post by Neume »

This is my Storybook Contest Entry. I have never written anything like this, so it was an adventure just writing it and getting new gear together for the contest. Thank you for reading and sharing in the adventure.
The ever deepening forest offered a reprieve from the sweltering temperatures of early summer. The tall trees and foliage offered plenty of shade and water, and Neume one of the Dúnedain Rangers was very grateful for it. She had left the settlements with the minimum gear and headed North going first towards the Greywood and then up, in between the high hills of Rhudaur and the Stonewain Valley. This route was chosen as there was snow lingering on the White Mountains even into the Summer. She was meeting up with a small band of rangers and some Elven allies there in that in between land. It was not considered wise to venture too far into Rhudaur alone as it was an area riddled with outlaws, black hearted Hill Men and there were also tales of many Trolls taking shelter in their lairs, or perhaps lumbering about, deep in that dark woods.

Some of the vestiges of the Dúnedain had pushed their way up further away from their established remnant bands. Going deeper into Eriador, a lonely area mostly depopulated during the Third Age. But in this time of the Fourth Age, after Aragorn reunited the kingdoms and rang in an age of hope and greater peace and prosperity, men once again pushed into these wilderness areas.

As men continued to expand the areas of civilization, it was up to the rangers to continue to guard and protect those ever expanding borders. A group of Dúnedain with boldly adventurous spirits had been scouting and ranging the areas north of the White Mountains and intended to establish a new outpost and settlement there.

Now there had been regular communication between those that had set out to forge the new settlement and the rangers within Gondor. At the new outpost, just west of Nardol, things seem to be going very well. But then communications suddenly ceased. It had been too many months since any word was heard and it was decided that a small band would scout the area and look to see what could have caused the settlers to vanish.

So far the journey had been pleasant. Staying on the outskirts of the forest and headed towards the rendezvous point closer to the west. The day was nearing the end and the light was fading, but a cool breeze was in the air and it looked like a gentle rain was not far off. Such invigorating weather for scouting the woods.

But suddenly all of Neume's senses seem to warn here that something had stopped being right in these woods. The birds and beasts had become very quiet and there was an oppressive feel among the trees.

Crouching down to compose herself and listen she kept eyes, ears and senses open. And heard a crashing sound in the forest.

She quickly drew an arrow and seeing an immense Olag Hai, loosed the arrow and another as quickly as possible, as if her life depended on it. In fact she knew that it did. All the while thinking that what she was seeing should be impossible. All of the Olag Hai were killed in during the War of the Ring. Or had they? An improved more intelligent version of your common troll these were fierce, massive and intense enemies. This creature looked like a cross between an Orc and a Troll.

Ducking just in time as the enemy sent a spear flying towards her, she took cover behind a nearby tree. It, and other large Orcs were getting closer and closer and there seemed to be a lot of them. She was able to hit the Olag Hai several times causing wounds that would have been fatal to another creature. But he would not fall, though luckily it seemed to at least stun him and slow him down.


Drawing her new sword, a gift from an Elven master craftman who had made it especially for her size and fighting style, she knew she could rely on it being light and fast. And it seemed like that was about to become very necessary for mere survival. She didn't want to think about what would happened if she were captured. No, that was not an option. She had drawn her sword in the thicket as a Orc leaped towards her. In such a rage he was, that he had left his unarmored neck ungaurded. She was able to dispatch him quickly, but what about the others?

Moving forward towards the next enemy she exchanged rapid blows with him. He was larger and stronger but she was a bit faster. It was moments like these, when all the long hours of training became invaluable. All the quivering and aching muscles, the nights of falling bone wearing onto her cot enabled the fighting of this foe to be almost instinctual. She did not move out of the way in time and his blade made a shallow gash in her upper back. A sharp stinging shot feeling shot through her body. Angry now, she spun and thrust her sharp, pointed blade deep into his gut. His small, yellow eyes widened and he gurgled some words of defiance as he slumped to the ground. But more were coming and she was about to be surrounded.


Just then there was an almost silent whirrr that sounded like the distinctive arrows of the Dunedain being loosed faster than any average human should have been able to send them. The Rangers were here! And they had met her earlier than they had planned as they had seen many signs of foul things in these woods. A few sounds of shouts and crashing were heard and in what seemed like minutes she was happily surrounded by her triumphant fellow rangers. With swords and bows, the rangers were triumphant on this evening.

After meeting so many of the enemy already on this journey, Neume was so grateful to have met up with her dearest friends and trusted companions as they headed northwestward. A bit bloody and exhausted they lead her on, through the now light mist to their campsite where they could clean up and rest and met the last of their companions making the trek.

The campsite by a bubbling mountain stream in a grove of white flowers was beautiful beyond words. There she washed away the weariness of the day. After a rejuvanting and delicious meal of refreshing mint tea, journey bread and dried berries she relaxed, listened to the soft sounds of her companions singing tales of old and wandered just away from the campfire to smell the large beautiful blooms bursting all around. She found her faith renewed that evening and knew, that no matter what, together they would find their lost friends.

The End...for now
"The women of this country learned long ago, those without swords can still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain. "

Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by kaelln »

This is really very good! It makes me wonder about the fate of the missing Rangers. If we have a non-illustrated story contest like we've had in the past, I bet you'd do pretty good! Oh, and nice gear by the way!
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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by Mirimaran »

A wonderful story and pictures to match! Well done, Ranger Neume!

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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by Ernildir »

Great story! Glad to see some more participation. :mrgreen:
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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by Ringulf »

Very nice story Neume! and I love the pictures! You have a great presence in the pics, the kit both soft and hard is both atractive and functional, quality equipment too! you are serious! :mrgreen:
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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by robinhoodsghost »

Ranger Neume has my vote. Great story and pics, thanks for sharing.
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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by Neume »

Thank you all so much for your kind words. I really appreciate them. I made the arrows, but the hard gear was made by Studio Kensai. I am not sure if he joined the forum here yet, but he should for sure. Would fit right in. I am loving the forum. I have to thank Ranger Mirimaren for showing me the way on over here.
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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by Mirimaran »

Neume wrote:Thank you all so much for your kind words. I really appreciate them. I made the arrows, but the hard gear was made by Studio Kensai. I am not sure if he joined the forum here yet, but he should for sure. Would fit right in. I am loving the forum. I have to thank Ranger Mirimaren for showing me the way on over here.
My pleasure, Neume. I think you will find that we have a great group of friends here! You will fit right in! Now we have to get your avatar pic up!

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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by Neume »

Well after figuring out how to post the new pics for the contest, I was finally able to figure out how to make a tiny avatar picture. See we old rangers can be taught new things. :)

Thanks for the feedback too.
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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by RangerKellen »

Great story! I love your background and pictures!
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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by Neume »

RangerKellen wrote:Great story! I love your background and pictures!
Thank you Ranger Kellan! We went especially to Buffalo Mtn in East Tennessee to take the pictures just for the Photo Story Contest. It is so beautiful there. I wish we could have gotten more pictures but it started to pour down rain as soon as we lost our light. I wish I had mountains like that closer to where I lived though. The rhododendrons and flowers were beautiful. We hiked up to the top of the mountain and it was a wonderful view. A great weekend. Thanks for the feed back. :)
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Re: Neume's Photostory Contest Entry: A Leisurely Stroll or

Post by RangerKellen »

I just got back from a vacation in North Carolina and the scenery there was just breath-taking! I live in Oklahoma so I drove through Tenessee and saw it too!
"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens."
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