Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

So moot it be...

Moderator: Greg

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Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

Post by Greg »

Greetings! I've missed these boards...been having a good time visiting family in California, but it's about time to be going home and getting back into a routine.

This past weekend, my brother-in-law and I took an overnight trek into the Oak-dotted wilderness landscape surrounding Lake Berryessa in Napa County. Druin and his crew were unfortunately unable to join us due to some unforeseen circumstances, so it just wound up being the two of us, which was fine. Perhaps next time.

Anywho, we started out in the Pope Canyon region that those of you who've been around for awhile will remember from numerous treks and photos I posted prior to my move to the midwest. California is in a pretty severe drought, so the water level was insanely water pump was a closely kept friend.

The first few photos show us in the canyon before we headed up the hill into the Cedar Roughs Wilderness area; the grey rocky creek bed, just three years ago, I paddled up in a canoe at depths of six to eight feet...BIG change.

Just starting out; gear check.

En Route.

Entering the Cedar Roughs.

First view of what became our camp:

John's improvised Cloak-Hammock; beating the heat.

Setting up my bedsite for the evening; pine needles and grasses under a canvas ground cloth, with wool blanket and cloak. I chose this site because it was a shallow depression in the hillside, creating a me-sized level patch so I wouldn't roll down the hill. A small windbreak was piled a few feet upwind of my head, which was all I really needed in the way of shelter.

I've spent two weeks' worth of nights in my gear now, and this was the most comfortable and restful night I've spent in it since joining this forum years far. John, however, didn't fare so well. He didn't think the wind would be a big deal in 50-degree temps, so he brought no additional bedding, and slept in the hammock. Rookie mistake; didn't sleep a wink, and froze his butt off. Lesson learned, I suppose!

Did some slinging, in the linens to try to cool off in the heat of the day, soaking up the breezes and drying off our sweat before nighttime.


Sunrise, over my toes:

Gearing up to move in the cool of the morning. Note, the cloak isn't rolled in a horseshoe...this can be removed and re-rolled later as it warms.

From here, we hiked back down to the canyon, re-filled on water, and hitched a ride on a passing eagle 10 minutes north to skirt pass some private land and hit up the next stretch of BLM Wilderness area; the Knoxville, where we began a 13 mile round-trip (6.5 in, 6.5 out) hike in to the Waterfall I've shown here a few times before, which was completely dry. All in all, we hit just shy of 20 miles in two days, and I did it all in turnshoes WITHOUT the additional clump sole stitched on yet, just to see how it went. The boots held up great, and my feet have already forgiven me.

Now the sword shall come from under the cloak.
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Re: Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

Post by Elleth »


And oh, good country!

Any bug problems?

(LOVING the cloak-hammock. :) )
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Re: Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

Post by Ringulf »

Whoa! What beautiful countryside, and what a lovely day for trekking! You guys look fantastic and it seems like you were both in your element.
I certainly makes me wish I where there too! Thank you for letting us share in the journey! :mrgreen:
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Re: Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

Post by Peter Remling »

Looking good Greg. I'm sure you had a wonderful time visiting family. How's the munchkin ?
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Re: Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

Post by Peter Remling »

Looking good Greg. I'm sure you had a wonderful time visiting family. How's the munchkin ?
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Re: Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

Post by Greg »

Both the girls are doing great! Korynn hit 8 weeks yesterday, Kaira is running around most of the day keeping us on the balls of our turnshoes, and we're just having a blast. A tired one, but a blast nonetheless. Momma was helped by one of the Grandmas for the few days I was gone so she could stay sane during the duration of our overnighter.

Kaira is fascinated by my sling, though she has no clue what it is or what it does, and she brought me my long-stemmed pipe the other night, which about made my day. We're brainwashing her early, for sure. Next step? Family camps, a la MERF!
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Re: Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

Post by Willrett »

great pics as always greg
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Re: Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

Post by Rifter »

That looks like it was a fun time. Problem with being the only ranger out here, I never get to do these things with other.
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Re: Northern California Overnighter - July 2014

Post by BrianGrubbs »

Awesome pictures! Looks like y'all had a great time. Totally been there with the freezing hammock.

Also, nice figure-8 Greg!

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