Elysium Adventures in CO

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Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Manveruon »

Well here's an interesting thing:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/62 ... adventures

This is a kickstarter campaign for a proposed business called Elysium Adventures, right here in Colorado. It's... well, frankly, it looks really "larpy." But if you scroll down to their FAQ, you'll find some interesting information about what they feel sets them aside from a traditional LARP. The thing I notice, mainly, is that the group seems focused on outdoorsmanship - camping, hiking, etc. - and they claim to offer guides ("rangers") to help teach participants the basics of back-country camping, foraging, tracking, and other skills a person would need to go on a primitive trek in the Rocky Mountains.

I am skeptical, but curious. I've been waiting a long time to see the "ranger" thing really take off here in Colorado, and this does seem to have plenty of crossover potential, at the very least. I'm a bit put off by the foam weapons, and the sort of generic-medieval-fantasy setting they're using, but it makes sense, in terms of allowing total participation (person-vs.-person combat and whatnot), and avoiding any legal disputes. I dunno... I have questions, and some reservations, but it could be fun. I rather hope they get it off the ground.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Elleth »


Seriously: I think the idea / business plan is an interesting one, but their video doesn't give any indication they can deliver what they're promising.

Even the foam weapons get a pass if you can show a guy in clothes stained with mud, sweat and deer blood striking some sparks from an iron firesteel and nursing a small pitfire to life.
Instead I see faire clothes and light geek-comedy.

Willing to be surprised, but I'm not optimistic. :/
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Ringulf »

When it comes right down to it, Larp does not have to be cheezy and far fetched. It is simply non-scripted storyline. The genre and the amount of tech, or for that matter history, can be right up there with an historical reenactment.
When unscripted action occurs there are rules set up to determine how the encounter will work. In a way, I think it can be much more realistic than reenacting say, a Civil War Battle that won't truly allow for combat or let participants engage. "Ok the second guy you meet kills you so you go down..." Fake action real equipment vs fake equipment that you can actually fight with. Who is to say which is more realistic? One great thing about Larp is that you maintain immersion. You can learn real skills while still staying in character. Getting all dressed down to your undies in period garb and then talking about the new IPod or what you chiropracter is making you do for your siatica does not make me feel any more realistic than bashing some sucker who is trying to bash me foam axe or not! :mrgreen:
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Manveruon »

Ringulf wrote:One great thing about Larp is that you maintain immersion. You can learn real skills while still staying in character.
This is definitely one of the points in favor of LARP or LARP-like-activities that has always attracted me, for sure. And I like that these guys are proposing something that, theoretically, could sort of bridge the gap between the armchair-LARPer and the historical reenactor.
Elleth wrote: think the idea / business plan is an interesting one, but their video doesn't give any indication they can deliver what they're promising.
This is sort of my feeling on the matter as well, in the end. There's a part of me that kind of wants to contact them and offer service as, like... an "authenticity adviser" or something of that nature. I like the ideas they're putting forward, but the details they have given are vague enough to make me question just exactly how they're going to deliver on these promises, and to make me wonder what level of competence their "rangers" will actually be able to boast.

Still I'm going to keep my eye on this. Even if this doesn't get off the ground, or somehow turns into a giant speeding trainwreck, just the fact that something like this exists might be enough to kick-start a little more participation in our hobby by other interested parties living in Colorado.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Elleth »

I confess, I'm turning around on LARP.

It's still not my thing, but seeing some of the craftwork put out by some of the top-tier Dagorhir and Empire/ProfoundDecisions players has brought home that it's not just boffers and beanbags - there's at least the potential for some real "authenticity" in that space.

I recall seeing a HEMA guy on youTube saying much the same from the fighting angle.

All that said, I'm not getting the "serious business" vibe from this group. The host's bio implies he's got the bones to do better - I'd love to see him try again with a pitch that's more "Ranger" and less "faire follies."
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Ringulf »

Would love to see that "missing link" event scenario! Stella and I have wanted to do a Ranger's apprentice summer camp/Larp type of experience combining these real life outdoor skills in the form of a weeklong "academy" of sorts, then bring them into the Larp part by giving them their first "Mission". :mrgreen:
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Manveruon »

Elleth wrote:I confess, I'm turning around on LARP.

It's still not my thing, but seeing some of the craftwork put out by some of the top-tier Dagorhir and Empire/ProfoundDecisions players has brought home that it's not just boffers and beanbags - there's at least the potential for some real "authenticity" in that space.

I recall seeing a HEMA guy on youTube saying much the same from the fighting angle.

All that said, I'm not getting the "serious business" vibe from this group. The host's bio implies he's got the bones to do better - I'd love to see him try again with a pitch that's more "Ranger" and less "faire follies."
I feel like they're trying to sort of appeal to the widest possible audience here (read: the lowest common denominator), but I too would like to see a proposal and video with a little more... gravitas?
Ringulf wrote:Would love to see that "missing link" event scenario! Stella and I have wanted to do a Ranger's apprentice summer camp/Larp type of experience combining these real life outdoor skills in the form of a weeklong "academy" of sorts, then bring them into the Larp part by giving them their first "Mission".
Yeah, I love that idea! It's sort of like something I've been sort of spitballing for a while, tossing it around in my head, but never actually pursuing. I kind of want to see if there are any SCA folks in the area that might like to put on a "ranger" (or woodsman) themed event that would involve a sort of quest-scenario. I think it could be really cool.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by caedmon »

Manveruon wrote:...theoretically, could sort of bridge the gap between the armchair-LARPer and the ...
Wait a minute, Armchair LARPer? Wouldn't this be what they call a... Role Playing Game?

Kinda reminds me of that new Fantasy Football LARP that started a few years back, they called it the NFL.
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Manveruon »

Haha, okay, bad turn of phrase. I meant... like... the type of person who normally stays inside, does tabletop stuff, etc. but occasionally likes to put on funny clothes, go sleep in a cabin for a weekend, and throw beanbag-spells at people. As opposed to the type of person who may want to actually engage in primitive hiking, camping, bushcraft, etc.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Ringulf »

You know folks it is easy to fall into stereo types, we all do it sometimes in the abscence of first hand knowledge and I would suggest to you that many would stereotype this group in the same way who thought they were the "real deal" and didn't know us, but remember there are a lot of flavors out there of larps, forums and reenactment groups.
Duct tape and bean bags are to them, just as knockoff Pakastani strider swords and Costume Warehouse kit is to us. Yeah its out there, but there are many layers to sort through and it has all come a long way. Best of all realize that it is somewhat like comparing apples and oranges, they both share genre but have different focus on activity. The last thing I will put forth is don't knock it till you've tried it. And trying one does not mean you know them all. :mrgreen:
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by MasterStrong »

I'd love to see this company take off. Even if their initial focus was on "Armchair Larpers", the potential is great. I'd rather see what they are really going to offer, go through a weekend with them, then offer input on what I would like to see. Maybe they can set up different types of immersion. For the kids that want to do something akin to attending the renaissance festivals but without the people in t-shirts and sunglasses everywhere, that's one thing. For those kids that want to really put their survival skills to the test, that could be something else.
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Manveruon »

You guys are absolutely right, of course. My apologies, I didn't mean to come off quite so snobby as I'm afraid I did above. Honestly, LARP in general has been something I've wanted to try for a long time, but I've just never exactly gotten around to it, even though quite a few friends and acquaintances of mine are really into it.

At any rate, I hope their project gets off the ground too, because I think it's a really interesting idea. It may not be quite as "high fidelity" as I might prefer, but that's just a personal preference anyway, and what they are doing seems fairly approachable for people who have never done this sort of thing before, which is nice. I still have my reservations, mainly based on the fact that I've known A TON of people around Colorado over the years who have proposed really cool geeky ideas like this, but who ultimately didn't have the skill, the resources, or (in far too many cases) the integrity to pull them off, but I will be keeping an eye on this one. I had considered contacting them and talking about getting involved on some level, but I don't trust my negligible skills as an outdoorsman enough to be so presumptuous as to offer to consult on a project like this. My main hope is that their "rangers" are people who thoroughly know their business and can really teach people the important things about going out into the wild, rather than a bunch of know-it-all blow-hards who could potentially get people into a lot of trouble, both legally (since they're talking about hosting these retreats mostly in national parks) and physically. Alas, I have known many, many of the latter around here over the years, but these guys are a complete unknown to me, so I will be watching their project with interest as it progresses.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Elleth »

I take the point, and no offense at all intended towards those who LARP.

I'm still skeptical of this crew doing this job, given their video.

It's far easier to put a wool tunic on a real outfitter than it is to train up a faire actor to handle the wilderness.
And if the former is what they were doing, I'd be a lot more confident.

I'm not going so far as to say they're a danger to their customers - an overnight or two in a national forest isn't likely to get anyone killed.
But the presentation gives the impression that the "education" is going be "here's ten things I read about online last night [and never tried] - but delivered in my best faire voice!"

I'd be delighted to be proven wrong, of course.
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Manveruon »

Elleth wrote: It's far easier to put a wool tunic on a real outfitter than it is to train up a faire actor to handle the wilderness.
Hey, I resemble that remark! :P

Seriously though, I think you and I have the same concerns, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, for now. The pitch video didn't inspire me with confidence, necessarily, but it did pique my interest, and I'm going to try to hold off judgement about what these guys are capable of doing until I either see some decent reviews of treks they've facilitated, or at the very least until they offer more specific details about the experience of their staff, and the content of their program. Like I said above, I've seen a lot of blow-hards, know-it-alls, and straight-out swindlers crop up over the years around these parts proposing ideas like this, so I'm naturally wary, but I guess I'm just an eternal optimist on some level (a descriptor I very much doubt any of my close friends would use, haha), because I just keep hoping something cool will come out of one of these some day.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Elysium Adventures in CO

Post by Elleth »

For what it's worth Manv, your kit and their costumes are the difference between night and day. I suspect you could teach 'em a thing or two. :)
Persona: Aerlinneth, Dúnedain of Amon Lendel c. TA 3010.
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