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Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:03 pm
by Odigan
Count me in! Might bring along one or two others as well, but we shall see.

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:09 am
by jbook
I will be there this time for sure and may bring a friend or two. I'll be in Hobbit Kit I think. Can't wait!!

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:09 am
by deadextra
Oh I'll be there. Hopefully done with armor and all of my list by then.

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:32 pm
by Arlyssen Arlussen
*Sniff Sniff* I totally wish I could go!!!!!!

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:52 pm
by dwayne davis
Well the state of TN strikes again, i was planning on attending the April moot, but NONE of my vacation bids went through. i was hoping to finally get together with my fellow rangers for a few days of fun,and fellowship. looks like its not meant to be for this year atleast.

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:43 pm
by Greg
Sad face.

All the same, Dwayne, we're planning to have more than one this year...we'll cap the end of the summer with another, probably, and then have a fall and winter moot as well. We'll miss you!

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:56 am
by dwayne davis
i know ive even been talking back and forth with leloop geetin advise on diffrent methods of fire startiing using flint and steel with out char cloth. ( wanted to hone a skill or two before the moot.) and yes youre right well have other oportunities for sure. :)

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:07 am
by Greg
Less than two weeks to go! I'll have some specific day-of information showing up here shortly for those attending.

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:16 am
by Greg
Hokay, here’s the deal for the day-of:

When you arrive, you’ll be turning off of Valley Branch Road where the following map says “Entrance”. ... %20map.pdf

At this point, you’ll want to park next to the big red building marked “Harvest Hall”. Go up to the check-in window and tell them you’re with Greg’s group that is camping for two days in the woods, and you were told you owed $5/night and need to sign a waiver. They should know the deal…if they don’t and I’m not there, have them radio me. I may be tied up with a few last-minute things at work.

After you’re checked in, take your car down to the parking lot shown on the map as “Paintball & ATV Parking.” Odigan, that’s where we parked last time. You all will be leaving your vehicles here for the weekend.

At this point, go ahead and start gearing up, either at your car or in the restroom between cabins 4&5 across the field. Once you’re ready to go, you’re going to follow the main gravel road in the opposite direction of the Harvest hall, marked “to Zip Line, Paintball, & ATV Registration”. Go between the two big ugly ramped trailers and past the paintball fields on either side until you come to the right turn. Turn left onto the secluded grassy area, and wait there. That is where we will all be meeting up and heading out from. You’ll know you’re in the right place because Blaze’s hawk house will be at the far end of the grassy area, and there will be a wood cutting stand with water-filled milk jugs sitting out. If there’s a hold-up, I’m running late, or you show up early, feel free to chat with the other attendees, pull out your sharps, and cut some jugs to pass the time. I should be off by this point, but feel free to entertain yourselves. Blaze is friendly, too…don’t be shy in approaching his house.

Again, the address of this place is:
2620 Valley Branch Rd.
Nashville, IN 47448

Bear in mind, once again, that despite the fact that this place is a campground, we will most definitely not be spending any time there. You will not be swarmed by people during the weekend, but while gearing up or standing around waiting by the hawk house, you may be prey to onlookers. That's just part of a busy weekend out here, but we'll be escaping from it all shortly, so please just put on a smile and humour curious onlookers.

If you expect that you’ll be running late, please let me know so that we don’t leave you behind, or so that I can arrange a time to be present to guide you to our base camp. It won’t be easy to find. My boss is nosy…I planned it that way. Shoot me a PM requesting my cell number if you expect to be late so we can make arrangements.

As for the weekend itself, our five-day forecast is looking rather lovely. There’s a small chance of rain, so be prepared for that. We’re on a freeze-alert overnight the next few days, but the weekend is supposed to sleep us in the mid 50’s and 60’s, reaching high’s in the mid-seventies. It should be glorious weather most of the weekend, with a slight chance of “isolated thunderstorms” on Saturday…which could add some character to our day.

If you have any questions, please speak soon or forever hold your peace. See the first post for a reminder of what to bring.

Looking forward to seeing you all there! It’s going to be a great weekend.


Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:13 pm
by Greg
Alright, small recap-time. We doubled our attendance this time 'round from the previous IndyMoot, taking us from two to four, two of us being forum members. The event started out nicely with a cool evening and some time spend round the fire.

The first night provided us with scattered light showers sporadically through the evening, but by Saturday morning, we were sitting in a torrential downpour beneath our canvas tents. An adventure, to be sure. We kept the fires going for the first half of the day before finally calling it quits, but it was an adventure for all of us. The two first-timers are firm believers in canvas as a shelter material now, and are excited about the possibility of giving it another go.

Deadextra took all the photos for the weekend, so I'm sure he'll hop in shortly and load you up with eye candy.

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:25 pm
by Manveruon
Can't wait to see the pics!

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:48 am
by deadextra
Alright, here we go!
Here's Greg and Lori of course, watching as the first meal of the weekend cooks. For dinner on friday I made a baked potato, added cheese and cured beef.

Here's non-forum member #1, Greg can elaborate on this wood gatherer!

Darkness fell, Greg tends the fire.

I try to look pensive, not realizing my braes are showing XD

The damp morning, trying to stay dry under a partially constructed survival shelter.

Shane and his first breakfast, crackers!

Keeping the fires going through the wet.

Time to make an escape while there's a hole in the clouds.


Shane gets a second breakfast! He and Greg ate a brace of the cornish game hens originally intended for dinner that night. Not pictured, I cooked eggs and ate an apple.

Now what shall we do now the rain's gone? Sparring sounds good!

Ehm.. ahem.. Let's remember headgear next time.

That's all I've got. Better luck with the weather next time!

Re: Indy Moot Spring 2012 - April 13-15th

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:55 am
by Ernildir
Great pics! Looks like a good time. I feel like I should move to Indiana.