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Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:00 am
by Harper
BrianGrubbs wrote:What a great idea! I think I'll have to jump on board as well.

WMA/NMA: I have two things in this area. First will be fitting some weapons training into my morning workout. I always carry a tomahawk with me in the field as well as a long knife, so that is what I will be training with. I would love to incorporate some sword work, but until I own a functional European sword of some kind there doesn't seem to be much point. Secondly, I have let my archery fall off of late. I used to be very active in the local traditional archery group, but things (kids) happened and I haven't had time. So this year I want to introduce my daughter to archery and get back to shooting more regularly.

Brian G.
Are you familiar with these: ... k+in+books ... 5RPN5NYGRV

For those who are not, this gentlemen has taught both Eastern and Western Martial Arts. He also has done a great deal of historical research on the weapons which he writes about. The Tomahawk books also have sections about fighting with a knife in the off hand, hooking, etc. He also has books on a number of other weapons including the big knife.

His Tomahawk DVD is very good, but Amazon's prices for it are crazy right now.

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:57 am
by BrianGrubbs
I do own the first tomahawk book. I've had it for several years, and have trained with it off and on. I really like the way it is laid out, and would love to get the second one someday.


Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:39 am
by Harper
BrianGrubbs wrote:I do own the first tomahawk book. I've had it for several years, and have trained with it off and on. I really like the way it is laid out, and would love to get the second one someday.

The second book builds on 2 weapon fighting, throwing, etc.

It has a short (but interesting) chapter on how to use terrain to your advantage tomahawk fighting. You don't see that much in these kinds of books. Very ranger-ish.

If you can, try to get a hold of the DVD--it really is quite good. Illustrations are helpful, but live action is better. IMO, the books and DVD used in combination are the best you can get short of personal instruction. The DVD also has some interesting fight sets/melees that seem very realistic. While not ME rangers, they are representative of historical Colonial Era rangers.

Good luck!

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:11 pm
by BrianGrubbs
Getting started on my crafts and skills goal, I forged my first arrowheads today. Still need to refine my technique, but I'm pretty pleased with them for a first effort! These are made out of 3/8" re bar, using a tutorial by the BackyardBowyer YouTube channel...I do need to start using a wire brush on them to knock the scale off before I start forging, seeing them blown up in a picture makes the scale much more obvious.


Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:04 pm
by Elleth
Nice arrow points! I can't wait to see them mounted!

For my Challenges - my herbalism project is coming along quite nicely.

The "Falconer's Cordial" I've had steeping finally was ready to pour off and mix, as were the salves I prepared:
merf-salves-cordial-00-completed.jpg (69.24 KiB) Viewed 16507 times
The remaining cordials should be ready in another few weeks!

The "arrows" part hit a snag trying to make fletching, but I'm working on a tool that should make that go smoothly as well. Pictures when it's ready - probably another couple months at this rate though. I have to finish those darn trousers first! :)

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:33 pm
by BrianGrubbs
Glad to see it's coming along, Elleth! I look forward to hearing how all the cordials and salves work.

Yes, pants should probably come before arrows :D


Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:07 pm
by Greg
Falconer's Cordial, eh? I like it.

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:43 pm
by Elleth
Greg wrote:Falconer's Cordial, eh? I like it.
Secret Project Tease! :mrgreen:
merf-field-journal-project.jpg (43.36 KiB) Viewed 16490 times
That's from an early draft for my calligraphy project, a "field journal" of sorts.
Recipes of course - but also field notes, site drawings, scraps of lore, the look of different orc arrows, so forth and so on.

I figure this is a LATE 2016 project, but once I start turning out the final drafts I'll post cleaned up B&W scans so y'all can print them out, watercolor them perhaps, and add to your own books.

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:29 am
by Manveruon

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:30 am
by Greg

On topic...have you actually found glass phials in that shape? Mine is distinctly different from that, but that looks far more basic/cultural-aloof than mine. Source?

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:54 pm
by Elleth
Greg wrote:On topic...have you actually found glass phials in that shape? Mine is distinctly different from that, but that looks far more basic/cultural-aloof than mine. Source?
Sadly, I have not.
And I've been scouring the web looking for something appropriate.
I looked at blown glass "Egyptian" perfume bottles, but they're all far too fragile for this purpose.

The best options I've seen so far are:
1. A used perfume bottle from eBay (or thrift store I suppose). There's some nicely artistic ones, but they're really hit-or-miss, and can be surprisingly expensive for "kind of close."

2. The cheap glass bottles you find in craft stores like Michaels, Hobby Lobby, etc: that's what you see in the "salves" picture by the jelly jars. They were maybe a couple dollars a piece. They're not perfect (mold lines on the side, ridges and modern numerals on the bottom) - but for quick/easy/cheap they're a very good solution. A search for "apothecary bottles" will turn up choices that are a little sturdier, but I don't think significantly more accurate for the extra money.

3. Finding someone on etsy to blow a custom bottle. I was looking at this gentleman's work, but haven't contacted him yet: ... -jar-white

My thoughts at the moment:
If you have more time than money: buy a Hobby Lobby bottle for immediate use and keep an eye on the thrift stores for a good heavy crystal perfume bottle.
If you have more money than time: find a good maker on etsy and ask for something custom.

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:25 pm
by BrianGrubbs
Not sure if you've looked at this site or not, but they have a lot of different styles for reasonable prices.
These in particular look like they would work well, and they come in bulk packages. ... avors.html
These also come in large packs, and are similar in shape to the picture you drew yourself. ... -40ml.html

Now I am familiar with the quality of these bottles, but it might be worth looking at.


Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:34 pm
by Elleth
I had not - very cool!

They look very much like the ones I've seen in Michaels/Hobby Lobby - I assume the same supplier? Regardless, nice to see them available online inexpensively!

The "mini milk bottle" you pointed to looks very much like the smaller of the two filled bottles in the pic above.
The one I have is nice and sturdy for it's size - it's not hand-blown crystal, but it's quite nice for the price. Those look to have a smoother neck, which does look nicer.

I also like the "10.5" tall square one - had I seen any of those at the hobby store I'd have likely gotten them instead of the ones I did. Nice find!

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:59 am
by Ursus
I sat down today and got to work on several of my goals for this challenge. First off I've wanted to begin improving my stitch work, which is often far to sloppy. Second I said I would attempt to add in a cultural reference to my kit. After combining the two this is what I came up with. I've embroidered a Dunedain star on the front flap of my haversack. Honestly at first I was worried I wouldn't like it, but now that its finished I find I love the look. As I'm wont to do I actually began this project while pausing for a break on the trail. First I stretched the front flap over a smooth downed log. Then taking my awl from my sewing kit I carefully scratched the design onto the leather and punched the holes, the actual sewing was done at home.

Re: Happy New Year: 2016 New Skill Challenge- anyone wanna p

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:26 am
by BrianGrubbs
Nice work Ursus, it turned out great! Also, that's a great idea that I might have to copy.
