What's everyone been up to lately?

For all of the Talk that doesn't fit elsewhere.

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Re: What's everyone been up to lately?

Post by Eledhwen »

Hunting for a canoe, or maybe a kayak. Long distance river camping. The vessel might not be period correct, although I will be. ;)

Maybe trying to get out to Michigan for St. Hubert's Day; a gathering of the Rangers is to happen there.

Making garb, although 14th century garb rather than generic or earlier types. Male and female garments. I don't mind hunting in a dress if the area doesn't make it unduly difficult. Lots of brush here, and that makes dresses difficult at times. Besides, it gets them tattered and I'd just as soon not do that to them. They are nice dresses. Take a lot of work. The guy stuff is simpler, easier. ;)

Building the muscles in the wrecked left arm and shoulder, building back to using my heaviest longbow. Preparing for the hunting season to come this Autumn.

Secured two 'new' vehicles early this year, so we are once more flexible in our mobility.

Harping, making arrows, working on bows, composing, etc.

Lots of mundane manifest stuff.

Rather normal routine.

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Re: What's everyone been up to lately?

Post by Greg »

Glad to hear you're still kicking, Eledhwen...go easy on your back and shoulders as you ease into fall!

I had a somewhat unique opportunity yesterday. A longtime internet acquaintance of mine, Andy Davis (formerly of Mad Dwarf Workshop notoriety) had me over to his place to do some extensive cutting of smaller trees...so I got a two-for-one on the Fantasty-Tree-Biz tour this week, adding this to the Dragon's Wood Inn last monday. At any rate, I got to see an item of no small importance out of our past ('our' being the 'Real Swords, Fantasy World' community as a whole) which may be familiar to some of you:
0608181244a.jpg (240.83 KiB) Viewed 11318 times
This is the original forging press used by the Mad Dwarf Workshop pair that was made from a retro-fitted wood splitter. They had a number of videos up showing it in use, and it was involved in making pretty much all of their more significant pieces, including the giant that was made for Heimdaal in the Thor film(s). Charming and chuckle-worthy to find it outside collecting rust and weeds, but Andy makes much finer vertical forging presses full-time now, so it's just a memory.
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Re: What's everyone been up to lately?

Post by Iodo »

WOW what a find! So sad to see it rusting
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Re: What's everyone been up to lately?

Post by Elleth »

Oh it's great to see some old familiar voices! How fun! :)

Greg - what an interesting idea. Is that something they came up with? And it's used for.. flattening out stock?
Like a power hammer?
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Re: What's everyone been up to lately?

Post by Greg »

Now the sword shall come from under the cloak.
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Re: What's everyone been up to lately?

Post by Taylor Steiner »

Been outside with my little buddy Zoie.
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Re: What's everyone been up to lately?

Post by caedmon »

Elleth wrote:Oh it's great to see some old familiar voices! How fun! :)

Greg - what an interesting idea. Is that something they came up with? And it's used for.. flattening out stock?
Like a power hammer?

Like a power hammer, but MUUUUCH slower. Forge presses are generally used to quickly weld damascus billets.
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Re: What's everyone been up to lately?

Post by Ursus »

I’ve had a lot going on lately but have nonetheless still had plenty of time on the trail and find time to at least scroll the forum daily.

I’m currently wrapping up a new by knife for my kit and diving straight into a couple pipe build projects.

I also got an amazing deal on some olive drap melton a few months back that I’ve used to make an awesome new cloak.

Past that my kit is by and large comfortably complete. I am in desperate need to update my wiki page.
Some small things I still plan on attempting include:

Make a more accurate cookpot. Likely I’m going to attempt to raise one from sheet steel to replace my current one from Fugawee.

May attempt crafting some boots as well but am content with what I have at the moment.

Other than those few projects I’d like to focus more on documenting my rangings and overnights. Honestly I haven’t had the urge to lately as stopping to take pictures really jars me out of the immersion aspect of things.

Hope everyone is well.
"Lonely men are we, Rangers of the wild, hunters – but hunters ever of the servants of the Enemy."

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