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Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:04 am
by kaelln
Faolan wrote:A very nice cloak, I'd like that in a nice forest green please!
Yeah, the color does stand out a bit! The big virtue of that particular piece of fabric was that I got it for about $2.00 a yard. If I was going to do it again, I'd choose something with a more natural color, as you suggest, and I'd also choose a fabric that feels good against the skin, so I didn't have to line it at strategic locations.

If anyone wanted to do one themselves, you just start with a rectangle of fabric around 2 1/2 to 3 yards X 54 inches, or however long you want it. You sew a center seam, then pairs of curving seams surrounding that until you get it as wide as you want. You'll be left with 2 large triangles of fabric at the bottom and 2 smaller ones at the top, possibly connected by a thin strip. The two larger triangles make the hood. Hem all the edges, then add any contrasting or stiffening panels you want. The final step is to add any clasps or buttons you might want to use. I used a celtic cloak clasp at the top and small hook and eye clasps for the front. And that's it!

Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:59 pm
by Mirimaran
We might have to attempt one of these. Despite having the receding hairline, buckteeth and slack jaw of my people, my nieces turned out quite pretty, tall and thin. It would be very cool to have one dressed as an elf, and in a cloak such as yours for faire. Must talk to wife...yesssssssss

Again, thanks so much for posting the how-to! That's how we do it here on MERF!

Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:32 pm
by Greg
Very impressive! I saw the pic of the leaf, and immediately began pleading that you'd do the design justice.

Oh BOY did you ever!

I agree with the previous sentiments...a nice forest green and a diet coke, to go, please!

Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:03 pm
by Eledhwen
What size pleats are you using with this? I assume what you're doing is sewing curved pleats into the fabric which is what pulls it into shape given your description.

Quite the fascinating design; I may have to make one for my lass.


Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:12 am
by kaelln
Mirimaran, your description of your nieces reminds me of Signe and Astrid Larson from the Dies the Fire series. I bet it would look great on them!

Greg, thanks man!

Eledhwen, it's not really pleats, it's more like veins. I could have just cut the fabric into the shape, but I thought this was much more interesting, even if it was much more work. I would draw a pair of veins with taylor's chalk, then pull up and pin a roughly 1/2" tall vein on the inside, following the curve I drew. Then I just ran a seam. The veins do seem to give the cloak body and shape, and besides, they look really cool. A pleated cloak, hmmm, now that's interesting! You're making me think; always a dangerous thing to do!

Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:45 am
by Eledhwen
As I thought then; pleat was a bad choice of wording. Thanks for clearing it up then.

Pleated cloaks allow a lot less fabric around the neck and yet deep hoods too. Use 'em in RevWar gear...but only up around the neck hole.


Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:47 am
by Ringulf
OK when I get the chance to take five from my projects and there is nothing new up on the boards, I love to meander back through the older posts so once again pardain the necropost, but I just had to weigh in on this cloak!

Wow Kealin this is absolutly goreous! I love the concept and the execution. I have some leather designs for bracers greaves and other leather type gear that follow in this vien.

Very Elven,
And it looks great on you! The Bracers are cool as well do you have any posts that show them in more detail?

Here are some of the leatherleaf armor bits:




There are some women's bodices and chest plates as well that some of the Ladies who are interested in Armor with an Elven Flair might like.


I think a mask in this style following the form of the Hildebrant type would be really interesting. There was some talk of some Elven Rangers was there not?

In my readings it was suggested that it was the Elves who taught the Dunadain how to be Rangers in the first place.

Most of these are from a gentleman from Poland who is very creative and skillful, doing mostly Larp gear. I can do much of this type of work, (perhaps not to the level of Farmerownia) but I think I could give it a good run for the money. if there was ever any interest.

Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:10 am
by kaelln
Wow, this really is a necropost! :mrgreen: The bracers and belt are actually props from the Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys productions back in the Nineties. There are some more pictures here: ... =1&theater

but I'll have to see if I can get some close ups in a while.

Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:31 pm
by caedmon
Kaelln/Fox... Hey do you still have this cloak? How's it holding up? Would you have any interest in putting a tutorial /pattern up on the Wiki?


Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 4:33 am
by Fox
HI Jack! It's interesting that you ask right now, because I'm doing a "Leaf shaped elven cloak 2.0". The original is in good shape, but there's no reason it shouldn't be. The artificial fabrics will probably survive a nuclear holocaust. I got to thinking about the cloak and it occurred to me that it could actually be made from thin panels instead of a large piece with decorative seams. I started piecing one together from linen panels, hand sewing with hemp, and I discovered in no uncertain terms that I both absolutely loathe hand sewing, and that I'm not very good at it. I don't doubt that it would fall apart swiftly with my sewing! Anyway, I'm going to start over with machine sewing. If it works, and I believe it will, there are a couple of possible advantages. One, the way I'm putting the panels together gives it a definite shape. Two, narrow panels could be made with tablet weaving, or nalbinding or some other technique that allows really intricate patterns. It's labor intensive any way you look at it though, and I doubt many would want to duplicate it. Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes.

Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 4:52 am
by Straelbora
My 4 year old son was looking over my shoulder and when he saw the pictures, he asked, "Is he a wizard or a king-soldier?"

Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:17 pm
by caedmon
Straelbora wrote:My 4 year old son was looking over my shoulder and when he saw the pictures, he asked, "Is he a wizard or a king-soldier?"

I love that, I miss having a 4 year old. So is a king-soldier a royal guard, or a king at war?


Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:36 am
by Isaac Campbell
What are the brown boots you are wearing?

Re: Leaf shaped "Elven" Watch Cloak

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:23 pm
by Ringulf
Hey Fox!
I am bumping this up too! I would love to see the 2.0 as well and I would also love to see what type of "Elven Leaf gear" would go nicely with it.
I have been doing alot of the Oak leaf purses and pouches and I am now working on a greenman pouch that might also go well here. So the leather leaf technique is something I am getting better at! :mrgreen: