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A productive/profitable week

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:33 am
by Eric C
I must say this has been a pretty good week for rangering/knife making. The weather is turning beautiful, the days are longer. Today we did some long overdue yard work. Still there is much more needed, but I may have some handle material out of a few things I had to cut up.

I scored a motor for the grinder I've been wanting to build. It cost me a whopping $5.00! Earlier this week my wife found a genuine faux leather woman's vest that will turn up on the site sooner or later. It will also work as a pattern for a real leather jerkin. Didn't actually get any knife work done.

About the last thing I did was start on my new gas forge. In the pic, my son is 5'1" for reference to the length of the new forge. After I make the legs and slap them on, I'll be about ready to pour the refractory. I haven't decided whether to put the pipes for the burners in place before I pour the refractory or not.

Also, I got a new kit item! Today a scarf arrived on my doorstep. It is a product of our own Mirielda, wife of Mirimiran. It's great and it will work well when the weather turns cold again. I'll post pics hopefully tomorrow afternoon.

Now I'm going to nurse my farmer's burn- not a tan but a burn- and work on a top secret project. :twisted: