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Winter Walks

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:02 pm
by Chris Russo
Tired of movie-watching and anxious for spring, yesterday I took my ladyfriend out into the woods.

The trees were bare and the sky a dramatic leaden color. The air was still chill enough that I could see my breath but not cold enough to bite. The snow was still on the ground, half-melted, turning the ground muddy beneath, and the waterways were clear of ice--a veritable marketplace of mallards, swans, and Canadian geese. We spotted a pair of cardinals, innumerable sparrows, various squirrels, and a heron; we tracked a rabbit, someone's leashed dog, and a small catlike creature; we got slightly lost and had to backtrack because the trail was not clearly blazed; we stood on a log bridge and kicked snow into the lake. It was absolutely, coldly, wildly beautiful.

Has anyone else gotten out there recently?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:41 am
by mcapanelli
I wish. The closest I've gotten to the outdoors has been to get in to and out of my car. I've had the flu from hades for 7 days now with it just starting to clear today. I was out there in spirit though for sure!

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:33 pm
by Eric C
Well, I tromped around in the woods a couple of weeks ago, but it wasn't a ranger-related treck. I and a forester from work were mapping out a section so our company could put in an irrigation pond and a truck turn-around for the log trucks. Made me REAL anxious to get out there SOON!!!

P.S. I'm trying to get the forester interested in Ranger stuff. Wish me luck!