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Kit and Gear References

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:13 am
by Mirimaran
Hi all,

This new forum make me think about a project I started last year but never got back around to, and since my link to the online edition of LOTR has gone bad, I will be a bit slower to updating, but what I was attempting was to list every mention of kit and gear I could find in the text of LOTR, accompanied perhaps with pics from the films. So, below is the little that I started with, and if anyone else wants to add, please feel free to do so, just list the book and chapter in which they are referenced.



LOTR Chapter 1 A long expected Party Fellowship of the Ring

"He walked briskly back to his hole, and stood for a moment listening with a smile to the din in the pavilion and to the sounds of merrymaking in other parts of the field. Then he went in. He took off his party clothes, folded up and wrapped in tissue-paper his embroidered silk waistcoat, and put it away. Then he put on quickly some old untidy garments, and fastened round his waist a worn leather belt. On it he hung a short sword in a battered black-leather scabbard. From a locked drawer, smelling of moth-balls, he took out an old cloak and hood. They had been locked up as if they were very precious, but they were so patched and weatherstained that their original colour could hardly be guessed: it might have been dark green. They were rather too large for him.

He then went into his study, and from a large strong-box took out a bundle wrapped in old cloths, and a leather-bound manuscript; and also a large bulky envelope. The book and bundle he stuffed into the top of a heavy bag that was standing there, already nearly full."

Chapter 3 Three is Company

" 'Our last meal at Bag End!' said Frodo, pushing back his chair. They left the washing up for Lobelia. Pippin and Sam strapped up their three packs and piled them in the porch. Pippin went out for a last stroll in the garden. Sam disappeared."

"Pippin was sitting on his pack in the porch. Sam was not there. Frodo stepped inside the dark door. 'Sam!' he called. 'Sam! Time!' "

" 'Well, now we're off at last!' said Frodo. They shouldered their packs and took up their sticks, and walked round the corner to the west side of Bag End."

At the bottom of the Hill on its western side they came to the gate opening on to a narrow lane. There they halted and adjusted the straps of their packs. Presently Sam appeared, trotting quickly and breathing hard; his heavy pack was hoisted high on his shoulders, and he had put on his head a tall shapeless fell bag, which he called a hat. In the gloom he looked very much like a dwarf.

In their dark cloaks they were as invisible as if they all had magic rings.

Just over the top of the hill they came on the patch of fir-wood. Leaving the road they went into the deep resin-scented darkness of the trees, and gathered dead sticks and cones to make a fire. Soon they had a merry crackle of flame at the foot of a large fir-tree and they sat round it for a while, until they began to nod. Then, each in an angle of the great tree's roots, they curled up in their cloaks and blankets, and were soon fast asleep.

'You can come too,' said Frodo, 'and bring all the water-bottles.' There was a stream at the foot of the hill. They filled their bottles and the small camping kettle at a little fall where the water fell a few feet over an outcrop of grey stone. It was icy cold; and they spluttered and puffed as they bathed their faces and hands.

When their breakfast was over, and their packs all trussed up again, it was after ten o'clock, and the day was beginning to turn fine and hot. They went down the slope, and across the stream where it dived under the road, and up the next slope, and up and down another shoulder of the hills; and by that time their cloaks, blankets, water, food, and other gear already seemed a heavy burden.

'Well, the Road won't sweep me anywhere for an hour at least,' said Pippin, unslinging his pack. The others followed his example, putting their packs against the bank and their legs out into the road. After a rest they had a good lunch, and then more rest.

The Elves sat on the grass and spoke together in soft voices; they seemed to take no further notice of the hobbits. Frodo and his companions wrapped themselves in cloaks and blankets, and drowsiness stole over them. The night grew on, and the lights in the valley went out. Pippin fell asleep, pillowed on a green hillock.

Chapter 6 The Old Forest

'I suppose we haven't got an axe among our luggage, Mr. Frodo?' asked Sam.

'I brought a little hatchet for chopping firewood,' said Frodo. 'That wouldn't be much use.'

He ran to the ponies and before long came back with two tinder-boxes and a hatchet.

Quickly they gathered dry grass and leaves, and bits of bark; and made a pile of broken twigs and chopped sticks. These they heaped against the trunk on the far side of the tree from the prisoners. As soon as Sam had struck a spark into the tinder, it kindled the dry grass and a flurry of flame and smoke went up.

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:18 am
by Elemmakil
This is an excellent start! I've done something similar for arms and armour, but did not think to delve into ordinary everyday items. I heartily encourage you to continue this!

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:18 pm
by Mirimaran
Since ROTK was on last night, I am inspired to keep going lol will do my best!


Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:39 pm
by Manveruon
I dig it!

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:01 pm
by BrianGrubbs
Awesome! Keep it up!

As I reread the LOTR again, I'm taking more notice of the kit descriptions thanks to this :)


Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 4:37 am
by deadextra
I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but here's a useful description of the Helm of Hador.

Here is the Helm’s description from "Narn i Chîn Húrin" found in the Unfinished Tales:
"That helm was made of grey steel adorned with gold, and on it were graven runes of victory. A power was in it that guarded any who wore it from wound or death, for the sword that hewed it was broken, and the dart that smote it sprang aside. It had a visor (after the manner of those that the Dwarves used in their forges for the shielding of their eyes), and the face of one that wore it struck fear into the hearts of all beholders, but was itself guarded from dart and fire. Upon its crest was set in defiance a gilded image of the head of Glaurung the dragon; for it had been made soon after he first issued from the gates of Morgoth."

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:58 am
by RangerKellen
Great job Ken and deadextra!

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:23 pm
by Mirimaran
I have to get back to this thread lol I was reading the other day and just realized, without really thinking on it, that Aragorn was wearing a pouch lol

Great catch, Dead! I love that description, I wonder if there was a real world helmet he used for inspiration.

Kellen, jump on in and find a description to post!


Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 4:23 pm
by caedmon
deadextra wrote:I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but here's a useful description of the Helm of Hador.

....Upon its crest was set in defiance a gilded image of the head of Glaurung the dragon
You know what they say. When it comes to dragons, Hador's gonna hate.

:mrgreen: *ducking*

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 4:42 pm
by Jon
Any description of any character??
Well I was just reading this this morning:

''The guards of the gate were robed in black, and their helms were of strange shape, high-crowned, with long cheek-guards close-fitting to the face, and above the cheek-guards were set the white wings of sea-birds; but the helms gleamed with a flame of silver, for they were indeed wrought of mithril [...]. Upon the black surcoats were embroidered in white a tree blossoming like snow beneath a silver crown and many-pointed stars.''

The fact that they were wearing surcoats suggests that they were also wearing maille doesn't it?

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 5:53 pm
by mcapanelli
Dirhael wrote:Any description of any character??
Well I was just reading this this morning:

''The guards of the gate were robed in black, and their helms were of strange shape, high-crowned, with long cheek-guards close-fitting to the face, and above the cheek-guards were set the white wings of sea-birds; but the helms gleamed with a flame of silver, for they were indeed wrought of mithril [...]. Upon the black surcoats were embroidered in white a tree blossoming like snow beneath a silver crown and many-pointed stars.''

The fact that they were wearing surcoats suggests that they were also wearing maille doesn't it?
Not necessarily, but it's good evidence to support his other descriptions of armor. I wish my books weren't in storage. If memory serves he actually says Maille in one description from the Silmirilion. A Maille coat also coincides with the time period his alternate history of Britain was set in, which if memory serves (and it's a 50/50 chance it does) somewhere in the early migration era.

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:53 pm
by Mirimaran
Dirhael wrote:Any description of any character??
Yep, any reference will do, so that perhaps we can eventually separate them by culture and/or real world time period.


Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:10 pm
by Mirimaran
"This will be the death of the Halflings, Gandalf," said Boromir. "It is useless to sit here until the snow goes over our heads. We must do something to save ourselves."

"Give them this," said Gandalf, searching in his pack and drawing out a leathern flash. "Just a mouthful each - for all of us. It is very precious. It is miruvor, the cordial of Imladris, Elriond gave it to me at our parting. Pass it round!"

Fellowship of the Ring, The Ring Goes South, pg. 290, 50th Anniversary One-Volume Edition

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 5:51 pm
by Greg
And with that, Ken unknowingly gave everyone permission to carry a flask of whiskey.

Re: Kit and Gear References

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:28 pm
by Manveruon
Woohoo! :mrgreen: