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New thrown weapons target to be Standard for Trimaris

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:22 am
by Ringulf
Another project recently completed was the target (my own target as each of my Mentors have one) that is now going to become the standard throwing target for the Kingdom of Trimaris. My objectives for my term of service are a simple trickle down type platform that is designed to bring legitimacy to the area of thrown weapons outside the shadow of archery. Don't get me wrong, I am an archery marshal but have specialized in TW. In fact I took time out during the event to enter the King's Huntsman's Tourney and came in second place in a field of 23 archers. (I am actually very happy he beat me by 2 points because now I don't have the added responsibility of that position on top of my own.)

Anyway back to the point. The goal for legitimacy is three fold.

1-There is to be Thrown Weapons whenever there is archery present. (more if possible)

2-Each time Thrown weapons are made available there shall be Royal rounds (a form of scoring that is counted on the society level) Shot with Scrolls and prizes awarded.

3-Standard Targets will be made for Marshals by region and there will be a deputy assigned to that region to facilitate the goals listed above. As more groups become active more marshals and Targets will be assigned and built so that intra-Kingdom throwing teams can be established. The highest scores in the kingdom will form the team that will compete on the society level between kingdoms.

This then is the target that I am putting together a pdf on that we will put on the website so that the groups will have standard measurements and scantlings to build throughout the kingdom, yet all parts can be interchangeable. The standard face will give noone an unfair advantage.


The face is removable and replaceable the frame and legs fit into a standar size trunk and the dog lead wire looped through a rebar "U", keeps the target from falling forward or pushing back.

Re: New thrown weapons target to be Standard for Trimaris

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 3:09 am
by kaelln
Congrats on coming in second in the Huntsman Tourney. That's excellent work!

Re: New thrown weapons target to be Standard for Trimaris

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:32 am
by RangerKellen
Very nice target! I like the way it stands back on a tri fold.

Re: New thrown weapons target to be Standard for Trimaris

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:31 pm
by Avery P.
I mean aboslutely no offense by what I'm about to say; but man, that is way over engineered. :)
Rope, rebar, screwheads, the sheer cost of 2x4" boards and bolts/nut, damn. That's a lot work and money. May I make a suggestion?

Re: New thrown weapons target to be Standard for Trimaris

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:49 pm
by Ringulf
Brother Avery I think I know what you are going to say, you see I am allot like you, I would prop up a sawn round of a foot or so thick and be done with it. The problem I ran into was the fact that we all needed something strong enough to serve, but light and portable enough to put in a standard car and take from event to event. That means smaller parts that have to be engineered well enough to hold up.
This design has been tested and modified over the last ten years or so by my mentors and it is a bit hard to make initially, but the face is made of four 8' 2x4's and one 3' threaded rod cut in two with its' respective washers and wing nuts. The base and face came out to be about 40$ altogether
so it isn't terribly expensive and can be used for many years, the replacement face I can make up in about 30-45 minutes and cost about 12 bucks if I reuse the hardware.

Now, disclaimer made, I would love any suggestions you have. I love the simple sturdy equipment I have seen on your videos. (We just got a house with a great big yard for archery and a front yard were I could put up a more permanent fixture that need not be so elaborate) :mrgreen:

Re: New thrown weapons target to be Standard for Trimaris

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:49 pm
by Avery P.
I've been thinking about making a standard target design for some time now. My idea was to take a sword cutting stand and adapt it to a throwing target as well. Basicly take a 4x4 about 4' tall, with legs that fold up and down for easy transport. To make it universal, take a piece of plywood about 3' square and screw in from the back to attach the 2x4 pieces. That way, you could replace each board individually as needed. Have a type of mount attached to the back of the ply wood to hook to the 4x4. I hope all that makes sense. I'm not very good at ms paint, but I could try to do a drawing.

Re: New thrown weapons target to be Standard for Trimaris

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:24 pm
by Ringulf
That sounds pretty good Avery. I am thinking if you are suggesting the 4x4 is the main front leg and you used two 2x4s for the back legs in a tripod setup it would certainly be strong but the 3' square target face may be a bit wobbly at the extremities. with a heavy axe hitting into say, the upper right corner it may cause a twist if it is just backed by the 4x4. putting a hinge at the top and using two 4x4s as front legs with the 2x4 back leg (almost like an easel) would give it a bit more surface support. Might not take up much more room, but would be heavier.

I also found that 2x4 facings should be set in edge so you have better depth or you will replace them too often. In addition, just screwing them in without squeezing them tight will end up in your chewing them to hell very quickly, weather flat or on end. The tightness of the face helps it to withstand the blades much longer. The real trick is to do that and not expose too much metal to your weapons. :mrgreen:

Re: New thrown weapons target to be Standard for Trimaris

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:35 pm
by Avery P.
Actually, it's one center 4x4. Kinda like the one in this video;

But you attach your target face to it. You'd be surprised how sturdy it is. And yeah, a 3x3 face would be a bit big, but if I recall correctly that was what the amateur targets were at one of the last events I was at.

As for your back yard target, I could ship you a giant chunk of walnut if you'll pay shipping....hehehe