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Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:20 pm
by Sindara
Although it didn't turn out quite as big as we were expecting, I feel that our 'information' meeting went well!

Turnip and I were the only ones of our group that could make it. Turnip showed up in her 'period' garb - and turned a few heads in the bookstore/coffee shop! As soon as I can get her to post the pictures from her camera - you'll be able to see her get-up.

Only two parties showed up:
Malcom - a very knowledgeable 14 yr old. Besides being a local expert on edible mushrooms, Malcom has made some fairly decent weapons
(knife, blow-gun and darts, quarterstaffs), and is into melee combat.

Tom - also brought his children (wife Katy - the librarian- couldn't make it). They're family is totally into self-sufficiency, and are AVID RA fans!
According to his children, Tom is an accomplished woodsman and hunter. Their property butts up against the National Forest, where we can
gather to 'play' rangers! Tom and Katy also know of other families who are into RA - will let them know about our next meeting. The entire family
would like to learn more about archery.

Both parties are are VERY enthusiastic about joining our Ranger Corp group!

Our next meeting will be at the Spirit Lake branch of the library - on Jan. 25, 2014. We'll begin to hash out the admin/protocol stuff for the group, and hopefully meet with the other interested families/ parties who couldn't make it for yesterday's get-together.