So where does one get pig's bladder?

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So where does one get pig's bladder?

Post by caedmon »

So I just finished a medieval football. (Pics later) I had thought to stuff it with feathers, but just came across a reference to it being inflated with air in pig's bladder liner. SO having some party balloons at hand I tried them and that works great. Perfect weight, bounce, throw-ability, and kick-ability. But I know that knowing I have a balloon in there will bug me very soon.

Which begs the question, where would I even start to obtain and use a pig bladder?
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Re: So where does one get pig's bladder?

Post by Elleth »

I'd search craigslist for local farmers selling half-sides of pig. Catch them the right time of year, and they'll be able to save one out for you. Plus a small-time guy working out of his barn won't be as squeamish about people looking for unusual bits as a more production-line place.

We just processed our three hogs a month or two back.. but I have to confess the bladders went to the gut pile with everything else, even knowing they *could* be useful. There's just SO MUCH work in the processing that it wasn't worth it for us to add the extra hour picking and cleaning.

.. so you might have to make the extra work of saving the bladder worth their while in money or labor - and expect you'll get a soppy mess that you'll have to the cleaning/prep work on to turn into something useful. (something I'm sure your family is capable of. :) )
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Re: So where does one get pig's bladder?

Post by Udwin »

Pig's bladder is about say, 4-5 inches diameter? (at least the ones I've messed with were). I don't know if other large animals would work in substitution--elk? moose? (in which case, roadkill?)
Would sheep be a substitute? Besides pig, I've only had experience with deer and goat bladders, which are about tennis ball size and a little smaller, respectively.
I imagine cows are pretty big--liter size? If you can't use something else and want pig specifically, you might have a couple possible options. Get in touch with:
-a local butcher--where animals wind up after being 'shown' at the county fair.
-neighbors who keep swine and do their own butchering.
-a living history farm that keep swine and do their own butchering. Hogs are usually slaughtered when it starts getting cold (~November in the midwest), so I don't know how things work up in AK, but you might have to wait a couple months.
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Re: So where does one get pig's bladder?

Post by caedmon »

Udwin wrote:Pig's bladder is about say, 4-5 inches diameter? (at least the ones I've messed with were).

What!??! Are you suggesting that the a museum plaque got things wrong? Such a thing has never happened before.

Grrr, back to the drawing board.

-Jack Horner

Impression: Cædmon Reedmace | bronze founder living in Archet, Breeland. c. 3017
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