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Rangers + Heavy Armour

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:54 pm
by Jon
So... Rangers, I was wondering what all your thoughts were about rangers and heavy armour. Tolkien does say about the Grey Company (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) wearing helms. At the moment I am developing two kits; a ranger kit (which is light armour-based + survival tools, etc...) and a war kit (which Is medium to heavy which is what I would chose if I was up against a hoard of orcs. It's a little bit Viking-based so it still looks a bit ranger-y... I haven't really started on my desert kit yet.
So, your thoughts are welcome.

Re: Rangers + Heavy Armour

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:58 pm
by Jon
Ah sorry guys I didnt see Greg's post on Helmets... Anyway:

Re: Rangers + Heavy Armour

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:04 pm
by mcapanelli
You know I've thought about this. I think given Tolkien's influences and from armor described in the books I'd not go past maille. It'd be more then likely, IMHO, that the type of mail wold be of the flat riveted variety as they'd have learned to make a high quality maille from the Elves. I'd even think you could get away with a ring mail jacket given the fantasy nature of all this. It's work great, be mobile, and most likely make less noise then maille. Plate, although looking great in the movies, just doesn't appear anywhere in Tolkien's writing. at least as far as I can see. So in essence I'd think a Ranger going to open battle would have looked strikingly similar to one of Williams heavy Calvary at the battle of hastings. So 1066 to about the first crusade is a great place to do your research for a Ranger's war kit, IMHO of course.

Re: Rangers + Heavy Armour

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:03 pm
by Beornmann
Ditto what Mike said. You might look into leather or cuir bouilli. Heavy leather armor can be purchased through LARP, Ren, or SCA vendors. I have not seen many pieces available that are boiled or waxed hardened.

Perfect Armor Improved..
TOMAR has a nice chapter on Leather armor.
Google Boiled leather or leather armor.

Re: Rangers + Heavy Armour

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:10 pm
by Eledhwen
I agree, maille is probably the sort you want to look to.


Re: Rangers + Heavy Armour

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:41 pm
by Jon
I can't help thinking that cuir boulli would look a bit too Asian... Well.. for vambraces and stuff it would be fine.
What do you think about reinforced leather,or splinted leather?

Re: Rangers + Heavy Armour

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:43 pm
by Cleddyf
some cuir boulli stuff can look quite roman,
also the other thing to look at would be lamellar, either leather or steel, although leather would probably be better at blending in(you could stain it a green or brown to help camoflage) with stuff and easier to make and repair

Re: Rangers + Heavy Armour

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:44 am
by E.MacKermak
I agree that maille is probably the closest to what would have been worn. Splinted arm and leg defense were known to the Norse and Rus through their association with the Byzantine Empire. While cuir boilli as a major armor type in Europe was largely limited to tournaments fought with batons (not going to derail on that subject), this is enough of a fantasy group that is would be passable. Schmitthenner ( produce some nice hardened leather armor.