The Weather Wizard and the Sword

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The Weather Wizard and the Sword

Post by Iodo »

Two hikers picked there way slowly across the wilds of Scotland, they had only a couple of miles left until they reached there destination but the ground was rough and boggy and it was slow going,
"not far now", said the lad after studying the map, and just as his sister lent over to see a strong gust of wind that appeared to come from nowhere snatched the map right out of her brothers hands. They looked at each-other and started laughing, the map was nowhere to be seen but they knew the way, they could already see the glen they were headed into stretching out below them, there was no danger, or so they thought.

So the two pressed onward toward the small mountain peak that marked the start of a footpath that would lead them into the glen, but as they approached it the weather worsened. It was blowing a howling gale and starting to sleet, visibility was very poor now and there was no shelter on the open boggy moorland. Scotland had a habit of doing this and they were dressed for it so they continued to walk, however they both thought it very strange that the wild storm had appeared from nowhere and as they looked around the sky's seemed to be bright and clear everywhere else other than the small rocky outcrop that they were headed towards.

Very shortly a rumble of thunder boomed across the sky and the flicker of sheet lightening lit the clouds. The girl knelt close to the ground, her brother saw and did the same and they were just enough out of the wind to shout to each-other
"We can't go on!" she yelled
"Let's just walk down the glen side, who needs footpaths anyway?" her brother answered,
"good idea, there's forests for shelter", so they got to there feet and just as they did an almighty bolt of lightening hit the peak where they were looking, however it was no normal bolt of lightening, it seemed to last much longer and for a few seconds it stilled the wind. What the two hikers saw they did not believe.

There was the solitary silhouette of a wizard with a pointy hat and long billowing robes stood on the summit of the mountain . He was leaning on a crooked staff and seemed to be pointing down towards the glen, and then in an instant, he was gone.

"Did you see that?" The lad yelled over the sound of the returning wind
"Run!" answered his sister
So the two charged at full speed straight down the slope towards the trees that they could not see with the sleet biting at there eyes and they didn't stop until they reached them.

Under the tree canopy the sound of the storm was more distant but the thunder rumbled on, out of breath they slowed to a walk. The sleet seemed to have subsided but the wind still howled in the tree tops and a few moments later they were looking on an unusual sight. The was a boulder twice the height of them standing alone among the trees, it looked very out of place. The lad walked around the back of it and shouted
"You've Just got to see this!" so the girl followed and saw. Sticking out of the side of the rock was a gleaming sword, on it was engraved runes that as she looked she realized she could read, she never imagined that a family hobby of fantasy reenactment would ever be useful
"It just says Magic" her brother beat her to it, he could also read runes, "what should we do?" He asked, the storm was still raging around them
"It's obvious, the wizard showed us the way to the sword and now we pull it out of the stone" his sister said, and she reached out and grasped the hilt and started to pull. At first it didn't move, so she braced her boot against the rock and it started to come, it didn't feel like resistance, it just felt like the rock was slowly releasing it's grip on the sword, it was impossible to explain but it felt right. Her brother nervously watched and when it eventually came free she held it in the air triumphantly and the storm instantly subsided.
"Did you do that?" Her brother asked as the sky cleared and the sun returned to the glen.
"I don't know!?" she answered


So the two hikers, with the sword, continued down to the river at the bottom of the glen, and followed it northwards towards there destination, while discussing in detail what it was that might have just happened and trying to come up with some kind of theory

[this is not totally on topic, but I thought it was about time I had some Bards stage fun. This came from a spontaneous photography idea me and my brother had while on a ramble with a wooden sword for totally normal reasons, hope you enjoyed]
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
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Re: The Weather Wizard and the Sword

Post by Taylor Steiner »

Very cool!
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Re: The Weather Wizard and the Sword

Post by Iodo »

Taylor Steiner wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:37 pm Very cool!
Thank you :P
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
Aragorn: It's the beards.
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Re: The Weather Wizard and the Sword

Post by Jack »

i like it, cant wait to hear what happens next for these 2 intrepid adventurers :)
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Re: The Weather Wizard and the Sword

Post by Eofor »

Love to see you having fun Iodo. Is young Master Ionite going to be joining you in the Fellsward ranks any time soon?
But the white fury of the Northmen burned the hotter, and more skilled was their knighthood with long spears and bitter. Fewer were they but they clove through the Southrons like a fire-bolt in a forest.
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Re: The Weather Wizard and the Sword

Post by Iodo »

Thank you all :P

Jack wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:50 pm i like it, cant wait to hear what happens next for these 2 intrepid adventurers :)

I don't think there will be a next, it was just a spontaneous bit of fun, I didn't even bother to name the characters LOL, but if I ever come up with a next I will be sure to post it

Eofor wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:57 pm Love to see you having fun Iodo. Is young Master Ionite going to be joining you in the Fellsward ranks any time soon?

you mean my brother? probably not, he is way to tall to pass for a dwarf :lol: but occasionally my dad shows up :mrgreen:
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
Aragorn: It's the beards.
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Re: The Weather Wizard and the Sword

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Iodo wrote: Mon Apr 24, 2023 7:32 am

you mean my brother? probably not, he is way to tall to pass for a dwarf :lol: but occasionally my dad shows up :mrgreen:
You've got to remember that in Our version of Middle Earth some Peoples can seem much taller then they really are.... How else can you explain a Hobbit that looks the same height as the Ranger leading the party?
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Re: The Weather Wizard and the Sword

Post by Eofor »

Iodo wrote: Mon Apr 24, 2023 7:32 am but occasionally my dad shows up :mrgreen:
It's so good to see him supporting you too!
But the white fury of the Northmen burned the hotter, and more skilled was their knighthood with long spears and bitter. Fewer were they but they clove through the Southrons like a fire-bolt in a forest.
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Re: The Weather Wizard and the Sword

Post by Iodo »

ForgeCorvus wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 5:59 pm You've got to remember that in Our version of Middle Earth some Peoples can seem much taller then they really are.... How else can you explain a Hobbit that looks the same height as the Ranger leading the party?

Ahhh... well, it is clearly the effect of the magic water from Fangorn forest :lol:
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
Aragorn: It's the beards.
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