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Re: Socks or Footwraps

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:53 am
by Manveruon
I also generally wear modern undergarments, including socks, but I am trying to move in a more period correct Middle Ages direction with a lot of my kit (so it can do double duty as ranger gear and for SCA garb), and I think soon I would like to tackle some medieval undergarments, including chausses and braies.

That being said, Taurinor, you wouldn't be able to share the pattern you used for your chausses, would you? I want to make a pair without under-foot seams myself.

Re: Socks or Footwraps

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:36 pm
by Ringulf
I tend to do the same, though I am always regimental when donning a kilt! :shock:

Re: Socks or Footwraps

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:51 am
by Taurinor
Manveruon wrote:That being said, Taurinor, you wouldn't be able to share the pattern you used for your chausses, would you? I want to make a pair without under-foot seams myself.
I sort of winged it when I made them, but I drew a sketch that will hopefully explain what I did.

What I wanted to avoid was this:
It just didn't seem like that would be comfortable.

So here's what I did:
A - Measure across the top of your foot where your shin and foot meet and divide by 2
B - Measure from the same point down your foot to your toes
C- Measure the bottom of your foot from your heel to your toes
Now to each of these, add a little extra for seam allowance. How much will depend on how big you want your seams to be.

First sew up the leg part of your hose so you have a fabric tube. Make a slit at the bottom front equal to A. Open the slit as much as possible so it forms a straight line and pin the straight edge of the piece for the top of your foot along it. Sew them together. I used a flat felled seam for this.

That should give you something that looks a bit like a spat or boot-topper. Sewing on the piece for the bottom of the foot finishes it. I used a french seam for that, since I have a hard time with flat felled seams along curves. I don't notice the seam any more than I notice the seam at the toes of a normal pair of socks.

Here's the finished foot, inside out:

Sort of like ye olde footie pajamas, but it's comfortable. I hope that explanation made sense. If not, let me know and I'll try again!

Re: Socks or Footwraps

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:26 am
by Manveruon
I think that explains it quite well! Thanks a million!