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Ranger's physical conditioning

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:44 am
by Aatnir
A ranger should be in good physical condition, however I'm assuming most the rangers here are like me and are a little (or more) overweight from too much reading or computer time and not enough physical activity. About a couple months ago I found this wonderful site called NerdFitness that instead of expecting you to know all these sports analogies or just plain out knowing how to exercise properly, it explains things in a way nerds can understand.

Do something translates into: Are you collecting a pile of underpants? Image

Don't get discouraged translates into: The Tale of the Dragon SlayerImage

Don't Give up translates into: Go Right! Image
This is not for everyone, and I understand that. Some people are happy the way they are and more power to them. I found out I have a long long long history of heart disease in my family and wanted to take care of it while I can so I started this and I'm having a blast.

If you DO decide to use this, PLEASE join the community for your sake. It is full of wonderful people there to motivate you to work at your goals, whether they be fitness goals or anything else, and they are just generally nice people.

It's all free except for books and T-shirts, but this site is here to help you out so they don't require you to buy anything to the point that I sometimes forget they sell stuff.

This is no sales pitch, I don't care if you buy anything or not, I just love this site to death and wanted to share it with you.

May the Shadows Protect you.